Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013: Another Year in the SnoTap Books

I probably should have done this on Tuesday or even on the first of the year, but I am writing sort of a wrap-up of 2013 for Sports News on Tap. I want to thank everybody for reading, listening and hanging out with us here, on Twitter, Facebook and anywhere else. Honestly and openly, it was an inconsistent year for us. We kicked ass a couple months and that delighted me but we also had some really shitty months. We improved our golf coverage with Bryan Reynolds and fantasy sports coverage with Adam Hatlak. Additionally, Andrew Kasmarek and Jacob Douglas added some great unique content to the site as well. To the other writes, they all know how much I appreciate them taking the time out of their day to write for us.

Obviously, I am always looking to improve and be better. If there is a corner of sports where you think we are missing content (Hint... Futbol.... Soccer...) and you want to write for us, just start sending me posts. That's how Andrew, Adam and Bryan all started writing for us regularly was consistently sending me blog posts. I would love to add more to the SnoTap family this year.

I am also going to try to clean up the page a bit. Some of stuff on there is very old, and I hope with some social time off given the damage I have done in the last couple days, we can make that happen. Additionally, I think we might do some different things with posting yet I have not yet figure that part out just yet so stay tuned.

Thanks again for all you do.

Want to write? email- and we can chat about thangs.

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