Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Closing Time: Andrew McCutchen Gets Engaged... On Ellen

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I honestly am up to my nose in different mini posts that I saw today which is awesome and will make Thursday a complete loaded day therefore probably taking away the music for the day. I hope you are all okay with this change of plans.

Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder and reigning National League MVP Andrew McCutchen is liked by practically everybody. I do not know many people who can hate 'Cutch.' He seems like a great guy and he found a new fanbase today, the men and women who watch Ellen. McCutchen proposed to his girlfriend of four years. He created a video using Maroon 5 as the music explaining his love like a baseball diamond. Was it corny?  Yeah honestly it was and he would get all sorts of shit if he were not a star outfielder. Yet everything seemed pretty heartfelt and it is always nice to see.

As for proposing on national television, I am completely 50/50 IF (big if) they are athletes. We saw the UCLA one earlier this year and now Cutch does his own version. If you are not an athlete, never propose in front of a huge audience. I have no idea why people keep doing these kind of things in public. More over, I cannot believe how many women on my Facebook feed found the Bulls proposal 'sweet.' Maybe I need better friends, good night.



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