Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dougy's Best of 2013: Songs #13-14

Dougy's Best of 2013: Artists//Album Covers//Music Videos//Lyrics
Dougy's Best of 2013: Movies (Coming Soon)

Dougy's Best of 2013: Songs #14
Katy Perry - "Roar"

Although it is well known I am a pop music aficionado, I usually feel that radio fare doesn't really belong on this list. In years past, I've created a separate list for my favorite pop tunes of the year. There are two major reasons behind this. The first is that it became too hard to decipher which list certain bands should appear on. I never thought I'd have to decide whether Baauer and Daft Punk belonged on a list of pop songs, but that has been 2013. The second reason is that I guess I embraced my love of pop music and no longer feel a sense of irony about it. Even though a song appears on the radio and has a catchy hook, it should be counted amongst the other releases from the year. This song hits every mark I request of a pop song. "Hey!"s that pop in the background. A chorus that begs to be sang with the car windows down. A typical "be yourself" message that you can't help feeling a little inspired by. Pop music is a revolving door and establishing a permanent presence is no easy task, ask Lady Gaga. With "Roar" Katy Perry proved that she is in this for the long haul.

Dougy's Best of 2013: Songs #13
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Sacrilege"

I am really disappointed the rest of Mosquito didn't live up to the hype created by "Sacrilege". It's Blitz was my Album of the Year for 2009 and after my first listen to this single, I was convinced Yeah Yeah Yeahs were destined for another summer in my CD player. The song sounds like classic Yeah Yeah Yeahs with noodling guitar, a persistent drum beat and Karen O providing the catchy "It's sacrilege/sacrilege/sacrilege you say" chorus. And that is all before the choir joins the song. The choir completely takes over and makes this song their own. The entire song the guitar and drum are evoking "Gimme Shelter" and the addition of the gospel choir nails the comparison home. Although it was performed toward the beginning of their set, this was the standout Mosquito track on the band's 2013 world tour.



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