Friday, December 13, 2013

Dougy's Best of 2013: Songs #11-12

Dougy's Best of 2013: Artists//Album Covers//Music Videos//Lyrics
Dougy's Best of 2013: Movies (Coming Soon)

Dougy's Best of 2013: Songs #12
Robin Thicke - "Blurred Lines"

There isn't much I can write about this song that you don't already know. You either find it fun, love the "good girl" chorus and had it in rotation all summer. Or you despise it's sexist tones, smug "hey hey hey"s and the sample that pisses on Marvin Gaye's grave. I'm in the first camp.

Dougy's Best of 2013: Songs #11
Rustie - "Slasherrr"

On my Best of 2012: Songs list, I commented that 2012 was the "year of trap music".  Two months later, Baauer topped the charts with "Harlem Shake" and the genre has since exploded to unimaginable heights.  One especially bright up-and-comer is young U.K. DJ Rustie.  Handclaps build this song up before it collapses in a tidal wave of sharp synth-y beats.  No other song had me headbanging as hard in 2013 as "Slasherrr". 



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