Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Closing Time: Russell Westbrook On A Farm - Lil Dicky

When I heard Lil Dicky's song 'Ex-Boyfriend', I did not really know what to think wit him because he really is not what you would see in a rapper. Just a dude making humorus raps with an attractive woman in it. He is a normal guy I would see out in the bars and someone that might have went to my suburban high school. I gave him another chance the other day after reading Maurice Garland's piece on him. I understand Garland's point, but he is trying to get to basically a guy younger than me whom grew up the burbs and lives a pretty normal life. Dicky raps about exactly our discussion with this song using Russell Westbrook to get his point across with his rhymes. He also goes over another Drake beat and does a damn good job.



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